An automatic unit comprised with host and post-column derivatization system
Divided into hydrolyzed protein analysis system (sodium salt) and physiological body fluid analysis system (lithium salt)
Autosampler with built-in ammonia removal system and loop sampling and variable sampling modes with 1 to 500 µl of injection volume
UV detector with aberration concave diffraction grating spectroscopy and 190 to 800 nm of detection wavelength
Quaternary low-pressure gradient pump with 0.001to 10 ml/min of flow rate and built-in 4-channel online vacuum degassing machine
Chromatography workstation, offers instrument control, data collection and processing
Ninhydrin post-column derivatization method with RT to 150°C of temperature range and gradient heating program
High-efficient and reliable unit with improved resolution and detection limit of amino acid analysis
Amino Acid Analyzer is used to provide qualitative and quantitative information and analysis of the amino acid composition of a protein or peptide hydrolysate across biotechnology, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, clinical trials etc.
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